30 November 2009

Merry Christmas

It's Christmas already. We, big Ambassador family, would like to say "Merry Christmas".
For this Christmas we made "Let it Snow!" concept for UPH's Christmas Card. Let the blessing, joy, hope, love, and strength snow between us.

Denpoo Photo Session

DENPOO has been our friend & client for quite a long time and this time we were given the opportunity to design their 2010 catalog.
There were a lot of things to be done before the photo sessions. we need to choose some particular products to be used in the photo shooting. With concepts in mind, we chose Mario Otomuliawan and Timisadih Alwi as the photographers. When we came to think about the whole photo sessions, it was not easy at all. To get some really good ones we need to take thousands of photos. We took more than five hundred shots to get only three pictures we need for each product. So since there were more than 50 products, we took more than two thousand shots for this project.

"Human Expression" A junior Recital

"Human Expression"

Thursday, December 17, 2009
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Universitas Pelita Harapan , Building D 501 , Lippo Karawaci , Tangerang

Human Ecpression is a junior recital for a guitarist named Reza. We loved to add some illustrations for his poster and recital book. Congratulation Rez...
Performances by :
Reza Ferdian Sadha : Guitar
Fero Aldiansya : Piano , Keyboard
Leonard Saputra : Bass
Erick Nathaniel : Drum
Devi Fransisca : Soprano
Cassia Agata : Mezzo Soprano
Venessa : Mezzo Soprano
Aditya Pratama : Baritone
Narendra Pawaka : Baritone
Kezia Amelia : Violin
Hana Boone : Violin
Icah D.N : Violin
Christy Oscar : Cello

Performing works by :
Tuomas Holopainen (Nightwish) , Ben Moody & Amy Lee (Evanescence) , Ritchie Blackmore & Jon Lord & David Coverdale & Ian Paice (Deep Purple) , John Coltrane , Ismail Marzuki

Bukit Duabelas

Des-Jan UPH advertisement

Johannes Oentoro Library

We proudly present our first Interior Design for Johannes Oentoro Library. At first we doubt ourselves in finishing this project. But after several months, we finally succeeded and made ourselves proud. So enjoy it soon. The project will be completed in 2010.